Thursday, June 12, 2014

How Republicans Made Congress Stupid

they like to liken themseklves to the founding guys well here you go looks like the tea party civil war

Been wondering why the people we elect sound like such morons once they get into Congress? The answers are in the latest edition of the Washington MonthlyThe Big Lobotomy -- How Republicans Made Congress Stupid:
A debilitating brain drain has actually been under way in Congress for the past twenty-five years....
In 1995, after winning a majority in the House for the first time in forty years, one of the first things the new Republican House leadership did was gut Congress’s workforce. They cut the “professional staff” (the lawyers, economists, and investigators who work for committees rather than individual members) by a third.

They reduced the “legislative support staff” (the auditors, analysts, and subject-matter experts at the Government Accountability Office [GAO], the Congressional Research Service [CRS], and so on) by a third, too, and killed off the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) entirely. And they fundamentally dismantled the old committee structure, centralizing power in the House speaker’s office and discouraging members and their staff from performing their own policy research....
 Why would conservative lawmakers decimate the staff and organizational capacity of an institution they themselves control? Part of it is political optics: What better way to show the conservative voters back home that you’re serious about shrinking government than by cutting your own staff?
 But a bigger reason is strategic. The Gingrich Revolutionaries of 1995 and the Tea Partiers of 2011 share the same basic dream: to defund and dismantle the vast complex of agencies and programs that have been created by bipartisan majorities since the New Deal. The people in Congress who knew those agencies and programs best and were most invested in making them work—the professional staffers, the CRS analysts, the veteran committee chairs—were not going to consent to seeing them swept away. So they had to be swept away.

let's cut through the elephant dung, the republicans want to cut and kill any program that does not fit their agenda of more money for the rich, they are shafting not only liberal America but those base members who receive the majority of food stamps an services provided under the social safety net.

they are hurting those the expect to place them in the position to be able to hurt them diabolical yeah at least nefarious at best and watch they will flock to the booth for republican traitors. keeping them dumb and under informed is a plus for republicans.
 Of course none of this cutting has had any effect on the size of government - just on the ability of its overseers to understand the complexities of the world in which it functions and to make policy that actually uses the capabilities of government for the betterment of the people.

The first effect is an outsourcing of policy development. Much of the research, number crunching, and legislative wordsmithing that used to be done by Capitol Hill staffers working for the government is now being done by outside experts, many of them former Hill staffers, working for lobbying firms, think tanks, consultancies, trade associations, and PR outfits. This has strengthened the already-powerful hand of corporate interests in shaping legislation, and given conservative groups an added measure of influence over Congress....

sounds like all their other efforts to beat down this pres. doesn't it?  ask yourself another question who or what are you voting for when voting republican all the above and the Kochs?
BTW HAVE YOU SEEN THEIR LATEST COMMERCIAL, feeling all warm and fuzzy now?