Waiting periods help protect women from acting without thinking. They aren't at all paternalistic or patronizing.
Do right-wingers believe women need extra time to think about important decisions because they are: a) emotional, b) easily distracted, or c) old-fashioned dumb. Oh, you think it's all of the above? Could be. Specifically, I'm thinking about what happened this week in the Show Me State.
Missouri's state legislature passed a bill requiring a woman to wait 72 hours from the time of her initial medical consultation to have an abortion (current law mandates a 24-hour waiting period). Governor Jay Nixon, a Democrat, has hinted he will veto the measure (supporters are one vote shy in the Senate of an override), stating:
“It is clear that by failing to include an exception for rape and incest, this extreme proposal would separate Missouri from all but one other state in the nation. I have profound concerns about its impact on women and especially the victims of these heinous crimes."saying there is no war on women from the republicans just doesn't make it not so. all the laws and bills passed and proposed none are restrictive of men and their perceived God given right to control all things in their view. the Bible says man has dominion over animals, if they believe their women to be animals aren't they guilty of bestiality by virtue of their own interpretation?
Beyond Nixon's limited criticisms, this particular bill is part of a larger push in many states to chip—or more like hammer—away at reproductive freedom (South Dakota and Utah alreadyhave 72-hour waiting periods, for example). This isn't even the only anti-choice bill to get passed this week in one of our states. These laws are a travesty and a tragedy for the people who end up unable to exercise the most basic of rights, control over their own bodies, because of the unnecessary obstacles placed in front of them.
What I want to focus on here is the incredible condescension toward women expressed by supporters of these kinds of bills. The Missouri bill's sponsor in the State Assembly, Rep. Kevin Elmer, demonstrated what he thinks about the state's women when he offered up his wisdomon the matter:
“This bill is a way to give a potential mother some additional time to think about this life-altering decision and to talk to family and friends who can help provide support during what is undoubtedly a difficult and emotional time,” said Elmer, (R-Nixa). “This bill is really an effort to balance the rights of the mother with the rights of the unborn child. We are not denying the mother her rights, but simply asking her to give more thought before making a decision that she may later regret.”feigning concern for unborn fetuses when you drop them after birth like a hot potato lends little credibility to you caring at all, no pre natal no care during and no care or help after but so far they fought for that fetus to bad it was born.