attribution: Facebook
attribution: Photo: Rien Fertel
The owner of Campbell's Bakery is at it again.
Mitchell Moore's "If You're Buying We're Selling" anti-discrimination campaign has become a rallying cry for those who disapprove of the state's so-called "turn away the gays" bill, a "Religious Freedom Bill" also known as Mississippi's SB2681 passed earlier this year.
Not everyone is amused at his latest effort, a tongue-in-cheek sin survey.
"Campbell's Bakery Potential Customer"questionnaire was posted to the company's Facebook page this week and is making the rounds on social media.
Survey questions include:
Have you ever gossiped? (Proverbs 6:19)
Do you work on Sunday? (Exodus 20:8)
Do you trim your beard or the hair on your temples? (Leviticus 19:27)
i keep reflecting on Joan Walsh's book title "what is wrong with White people", in a more perfect world this guy would have been out of business last month but we are not in a perfect world, and zealots like this guy are alive and well and imposing their religious zealotry on the rest of us while crying about having their religion suppressed sounds like republicans that do than blame Pres. for their dastardly deeds.
Following the prompt for potential customers to, "Please answer honestly. God will know," is a list of yes-or-no, Bible-backed questions:

can you believe the audacity of his arrogance there obviously are those who support this holier than thou attitude, that also think that they are better than those they presume to be heathens, but who of any intelligence would want to be associated with a group that would have them as members, and how do they pick leaders who is the most heathen-less among them?