This is how it works. First Karl Rove bleats something about how Hillary Clinton was wearing sunglasses that only people with "traumatic brain injury" wear, and says she was in the hospital for a month when she most provably was not, and this is all such obvious bullshit that only a moron could possibly take it seriously, and then people like Rich Lowry, a man who decided Sarah Palin was vice-presidential material because She Winked At Me, write approving essays in the opinion pages called things like "Rove Is Right".
If we take Rove’s interview on Fox News the day after the Page Six item as the best explanation of his view, his basic points are unassailable — the state of Clinton’s health will play into her decision whether or not to run, she will have to be completely open about the 2012 episode and all of this will be filtered through the fact that she will be 69 if elected and 77 if she serves two terms.he admitted that this is just a plan to discourage her from running 2016 kinda like their snapshot of the future if she does, but by doing this again they telegraph their move and people see it as what it is republicans trying to scare her away from the historic first women Pres. and i believe that women will rally to her support along with men of fair minds and real American values. he also neglects to say Reagan was older by months when he ran, but he was male and republican so it was okay.
So if we completely ignore the part where everything Karl Rove said was an outright lie—she was not in the hospital "30 days," she was not wearing sunglasses meant for "people who have traumatic brain injury" and prominent liar-for-cash Karl Rove either had to know both of those things himself or gets his news primarily from the voices in his own head—then Karl Rove's intended point is "unassailable" because Hillary Clinton is old. And it is the job of the professional damager of American discourse to studiously ignore the part where everything Karl Rove or some other titanic hack said was an outright lie, because that is how these things work. Let's ignore the part where he was promoting an outright lie; it feels like something that could be true, and so fellow professional liar Rich Lowry kicks the conspiracy can forward, just a little bit, in the supposedly serious pages of Politico.
we are now privy to the not so undercover plan to frighten her rendering her a a blubbering non candidate, do they really not realize they told us and that they will have to come up with something else when we let them know it won't work than what Benghazi 55th committee?