Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Latest Plot To Undermine Obamacare And Prevent Millions From Enrolling In Medicaid

It’s actually quite easy to explain. The reason why 19 states have refused to expand Medicaid has nothing to do with the cost — the federal government would cover the full cost of the expansion for the next two years, then 95 percent of the cost thereafter. It definitely doesn’t have anything to do with a lack of need for such a solution.

This, as with the refusal to establish healthcare marketplaces (exchanges), has everything to do with Obama Derangement Syndrome — Republican governors who refuse for a variety of cheap political excuses to attach their names to Obamacare. By doing so, they’re hurting their own people, including Republican voters in numbers into the hundreds of thousands per state.
looks like i stand corrected yesterday i wrote it was about republicans not wanting to spend money on Americans i will say this forever they claim doing these things deny the Pres. success but in reality they deny you health care no matter what they say even though they don't call your name they are trained on you like a laser may be Pres. is the picture on the bulls eye but believe it peel it back and there you are.

all the opposition from the water carriers is a by product of concentrating on them, G W Bush, "you can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the ones you want to concentrate on", kinda bears my theory out.