Friday, April 18, 2014

Charges dropped against PA teen who recorded himself being bullied

Yesterday, I mentioned the appalling ordeal of Christian Stanfield, a 15-year-old boy with ADHD who finally had enough of the bullying he'd had to endure for most of the year at his high school south of Pittsburgh since at least October.  Back in February, he recorded several of his classmates bullying him in the middle of math class.  However, when his mom showed the video to school officials, it was Christian who ended up taking the heat--in the form of a criminal charge for disorderly conduct.  A local judge sided with the school and fined Christian $25 plus court costs.  Read all about this travesty here.
Well, this story has a happy ending.  Christian had been planning to appeal the judge's ruling in common pleas court on April 29.  But late yesterday, he learned that hearing won't take place.  The Allegheny County district attorney's office has announced that all charges against Christian will be dropped.
Mike Manko, a spokesman for the district attorney's office, said his office is not involved in the issuance of summary citations but gets the case at the appellate level in Common Pleas Court. He said the single count against Christian will be withdrawn.
"The behavior does not rise to the level of a citation," Mr. Manko said. "No one who is authorized to give advice on wiretap or school violation issues was contacted in our office by the school district or South Fayette police. Multiple attempts to contact the officer who wrote the citation have been made.
"We have not heard from him."
what is it with law and political officials that they think they are above the law in this case that he was sworn to uphold or was it just a dismissed formality?  i think bad publicity coupled with the moronic act of charging someone who has proof of his alegations on tape and a child at that.  stinks like corruption  but trhank God that more people are opening their eyes and ears and paying attention to the injustice that permeates this country from the top down if the top were not complicit then the bottom would not feel emboldened, thanx Ronald Reagan we now understand your trickle down theory the one that works not the one you tried to sell.