Monday, October 14, 2013

Veterans Slam Tea Party Politicians For Hijacking Protest Against War Memorial Closures
Ted Cruz
After driving the GOP’s efforts to shut down the government over Obamacare, Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Mike Lee (R-UT) headlined a march on Sunday to protest the closure of national parks and war memorials. Cruz and Lee shared the stage with former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin at the Million Veterans March. The Tea Party was out in full force, with attendees waving giant Confederate flags in front of the White House and speakers calling for President Obama to “put down the Quran” and “come out with his hands up.” One man was arrested at the World War II memorial with a rifle and ammunition.
Apparently, the original organizers of the veterans’ march are displeased with the Tea Party’s co-opting of their protest. On the Million Vet March homepage, the organizers suggest a local organizer invited Tea Party and birther groups against the wishes of the veterans:
The political agenda put forth by a local organizer in Washington DC was not in alignment with our message. We feel disheartened that some would seek to hijack the narrative for political gain. The core principle is about all Americans honoring Veterans in a peaceful and apolitical manner.
when you impose yourself on a group who would not be there in protest had it not been for you and your party intentionally did to them and try to lay the blame off on Pres. these veterans saw through that photo opt and the check was an exercise in brown nosing, which i might add they got exactly what they wanted brown stuff on their nose's, and it smells about as bad as the elephant dung the have on their shoes.  another right wing ploy to take advantage of a legitimate rally and infuse their own brand of elephant dung and taint the proceedings with their reprehensible presents.  they say they always return to the scene of the crime and voila there they are.

these are not your parents politicians they are the scourge of America, the pimples on th the penis of life, vote them out 2014 so we can have certainty that they will no longer rig our governing process. recognize