Monday, October 14, 2013

House Republicans Changed The Rules So A Majority Vote Couldn't Stop The Government Shutdown

Article PhotoIn its effort to extract concessions from Democrats in exchange for opening the government, the GOP has faced a fundamental strategic obstacle: They don't have the votes. A majority of the members of the House have gone on record saying that if they were given the opportunity to vote, they would support what's known as a "clean" continuing resolution to fund the government.
So House Republican leaders made sure no such vote could happen.
In the hours working up to the government shutdown on Sept. 30, Republican members of the House Rules Committee were developing a strategy to keep a clean CR off the floor, guaranteeing the government would remain shut down.
Though at least 28 House Republicans have publicly said they would support a clean CR if it were brought to the floor -- enough votes for the government to reopen when combined with Democratic support -- a House rule passed just before the shutdown essentially prevents that vote from taking place.
we have a faction of part of the government that is hell bent on our demise first gerrymandering to keep a loss hose by over a million votes, now we find out they will not let motions on the floor because they don't have enough votes to kill it.
we are being robbed of our right to protection of the gov't from the gov't we don't have a voice if a few rebels without a real case that has anything to do with advancing our society can rin everything and shutdown the gov't we are on the verge to tyranny after all a republican said "we are not a democracy we are a republic".
could that b true and we;'ve been living in a gangsters paradise?
During a floor speech on Saturday, Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) drew attention to the quietly passed rule when he attempted to present a motion to accept the Senate's clean continuing resolution and reopen the government.
Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), presiding over the chamber, told Van Hollen that the rule he was asking to use had been "altered" and he did not have the privilege of bringing that vote to the floor. In the ensuing back and forth,
Chaffetz said the recently passed House Resolution 368 trumped the standing rules. Where any member of the House previously could have brought the clean resolution to the floor under House Rule 22, House Resolution 368 -- passed on the eve of the shutdown -- gave that right exclusively to the House majority leader, Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia.
where does the skulduggery and right wing cheating all Americans out of a fair and equally balanced congress in favor of "we the people" not a few crazies that think they are changing gov't for the better, when they are actually killing gov't piece by piece wondr what they'll do if th succeed and have tornadoes and hurricanes or wildfires or an alien invasion from mars, they will find out too late i might add that they just don't have it like that and with no gov't to cry to they melt.