Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Latest Voter Suppression Fad: Two Tiers


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Remember this phrase: two-tier voting. You may be hearing more about it.
Officials in Arizona and Kansas are making preparations for elections with two categories of voters. There will be those who provided proof of citizenship when they registered to vote, and will therefore be able to vote in all local, state, and federal elections. 
And then there will be those who did not provide proof of citizenship when they registered. Those people will only be able to vote in federal contests -- if at all.
In both states, the preparations underway are reactions to the Supreme Court's June ruling in Arizona v. Inter Tribal Council, the legal battle over Arizona's 2004 voter identification law, known as Proposition 200. 
While the headlines in June painted the ruling as a blow to Proposition 200, officials in both Arizona and Kansas have chosen to focus on the leeway the Supreme Court left them. Kansas State Election Director Brad Bryant laid out the argument in an email he sent to county election officers at the end of July.
these are signs that they are still paranoid even with their gerrymandering and voter suppression and their fraudulent attempts to tell you we are committing fraud, all this and they still try to come up with different old and dusty ways to manipulate you and elections. they have no new plans for anything.
Kansas officials have envisioned four registration scenarios: 1) Individuals who use the Kansas form and submit a citizenship document (eligible to vote in all elections); 2) Individuals who use the Kansas form and do not submit a citizenship document (not eligible to vote in any elections);
3) Individuals who use the federal form and submit a citizenship document (eligible to vote in all elections); and 4) Individuals who use the federal form and do not submit a citizenship document (eligible to vote only in federal elections.)
"It's very frustrating to watch a public official go about voter suppression under the color of law," Kansas state Rep. Jim Ward (D), an opponent of voter ID, told TPM in an interview on Monday. "I just think it's reprehensible. It will create chaos on election day. ... There's a lot of advocacy groups now talking about registering people with the federal form."
these are the red states the republican want to return the decision making to, see what they are doing with it, half their population lose the American right to vote and make them subject to their rule which is tantamount to "yeah we know you are there, and?"