Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Republicans May Tie Federal Paychecks To Shutdown Negotiations


are they messing with your job or check?
Article PhotoWASHINGTON — Hundreds of thousands of federal employees may be reporting for work every day during the government shutdown, but unless Congress acts soon, they won’t start seeing paychecks until the political stalemate is over.
Although these employees, including tens of thousands of defense-related workers who returned to the job Monday, have been designated as “essential,” they’re required to show up for work despite the fact that they can’t legally be paid until the shutdown is over. 
But under a new plan being considered by House Republican leaders, those employees could get their checks as scheduled — and provide the political impetus to force all sides to the negotiating table on an agreement to reopen the government as well as avoid a default on the nation’s debt later this month.
The gambit, described to BuzzFeed by Republicans Monday, could provide a way out of the growing shutdown crisis: Public employee unions are extremely powerful within the Democratic Party, and a chance to ensure at least some of their members don’t have their pay interrupted could tempt them into the fight. 
And by getting Democrats to the negotiating table, GOP leaders could potentially use almost any nominal concessions they can extract from Democrats to bring along enough of their conference to end the shutdown.
ahh the skulduggery is still alive they intend to turn the unions against the Pres. for shutdown and work without pay, those that are in that jackpot know who shut the bank window for them and i pray they don't get crazy and buy into this farce if they want to express anger direct it where it fits best, and support those who can change that ridiculous business oriented law, no tickey no freakin' work.
According to these Republicans, although no decisions have been made, the House’s three top leaders — Speaker John Boehner, Majority Leader Eric Cantor, and Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy — brought a discussion of the plan to the leadership table Monday afternoon.
Under the plan, Cantor would bring the bill authorizing payments to non-furloughed employees to the floor, along with a language that would start the process of a formal House-Senate negotiation on the bill.
Those talks would become the forum for a broader negotiation between the House, Senate, and Obama administration on ending the seven-day-and-counting government shutdown, as well as averting a debt default by the federal government
typical half ass bills they want to pay those working and screw those who are furloughed do to their foot stamping they want what they want ObamaCares on a stick don't try to count how many Americans they are screwing with this one those who don't get insurance if Pres. were to cave and letting those go under water because of their shut down the evil one does not have brown skin and big ears. recognize