Sunday, October 20, 2013

Marco Rubio: Obama Has Undermined Immigration Reform By Refusing To Defund Obamacare

smiling faces
Article PhotoSen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) suggested on Sunday that President Obama’s refusal to compromise with Republicans on Obamacare to re-open the government and raise the nation’s debt ceiling has jeopardized the chances of passing comprehensive immigration reform.
“I think immigration reform is harder to achieve today an it was three weeks ago because of what happened here,” the first-term senator said during an appearance on Fox News Sunday, before agreeing with opponents of immigration reform who warn that that the Obama administration will simply fail to enforce border security or other aspects of a bill he disagrees with.
“The president has undermined this effort, absolutely, because of the way he has behaved over the last three weeks,” Rubio added. “This notion that they’re going to get in a room and negotiate a deal with the president on immigration is much more difficult to do…because of the way the president has behaved towards his opponents over the last three weeks.”
pay attention to the verbiage, immigration is dead because Pres. would not deny Americans healthcare, and these are suppose to be the smart ones.
the juvenile reference to how Pres. acted????  he's acted like a Pres. who gives a damn about America and Americans not some self serving interest that gets them "CONSIDERATIONS" from big business that is trying hard to purchase the American gov't.
Rubio, who is often mentioned as a possible GOP presidential candidate, said he still supports a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrations, but stressed that conservatives in the House “deserve the time and space to craft their own solution.” “Let’s see what they come up with, it can very well be much better than what the Senate has done so far,” he said.
that's republican for hold on till we get a right wing Pres. then we will quietly take it off the back burner and into the trash, they don't want them here because they represent a boost in the Progressive electorate that's it other wise they would just to do the jobs they are to good to do, but with the job blocking they created a class that no longer feels they are to good to do those jobs at lower wages, another plus for republicans to use us they've been referring to slavery a lot lately what do they call what they are trying to return the country to?