Thursday, October 10, 2013

Dear Congress: We Want Our Money Back

When you buy something that turns out to be defective, what do you do? Return it and ask for your money back.
Well, if you’re one of the 125 million Americans who pays federal taxes, you’ve been paying for something that’s defective: the U.S. government. So, as I argue in the video above, it seems appropriate for taxpayers to demand a refund for every day the government they pay for remains shut down and fails to serve them.
this is really a good idea if only enough of us could come together friend and foe and demand what we pay for especially that which we are forced to pay, them.
Democracy can be messy, of course, and the usual unsatisfying prescription for addressing its flaws is to wait until the next election, or the one after that, or maybe the one your children’s children will vote in decades hence, when politicians will surely be more upstanding than today’s jackals.
Then you’ll be able to throw the bums out and send better people to Washington. But the retail sector may have a better model, which works for Amazon (AMZN) and Walmart (WMT) and Apple (AAPL) and any company, really, that cares about its customers: If you screw up, offer them a refund.
waiting till next election is not an option they gerrymander voter block and out right  fraud in order to make laws that further discriminate, it's rigged in the right wing favor the courts, the congress and the state gov't. 2014 is the ideal window for an adjustment to our government the one those founding guys they are so fond of intended.