Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Marco Rubio warns of immigration executive order


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i need to get this off my chest, the republican great brown hope was suppose to bring the Hispanic vote they say back to but we know the hate and vitriol they have even today, they seemed to have dropped their Kumbaya BS and reverted back to character or lack there of. 
Rubio now doesn't appear to want to share with his fellow Hispanics he's got his, "good luck on that citizenship thing".  they could have fooled a few but now everyday he wants to put another collar around their necks as if 13 years weren't harsh enough.
If Congress doesn’t pass a comprehensive immigration reform law in the next year then President Barack Obama might be “tempted” to legalize 11 million undocumented immigrants by executive order, Sen. Marco Rubio said Tuesday morning.
Stalling on Capitol Hill might force the president’s hand, the Florida Republican said. That could result in a mass legalization of undocumented immigrants without any of the reforms included in the Senate-passed immigration bill that Rubio played a key role in writing and negotiating. Rubio said continued delay in Congress could create a scenario in which the nation misses out on his bill’s technological advances along the border with Mexico, drones, cameras, more Border Patrol agents and a national E-Verify system.
he really is not that into you .
There’s precedent for such a move by the White House, Rubio said: The 2012 decision to temporarily halt deportation of some young people after the DREAM Act got hung up in the Capitol.
“I believe that this president will be tempted, if nothing happens in Congress, he will be tempted to issue an executive order like he did for the DREAM Act kids a year ago, where he basically legalizes 11 million people by the sign of a pen. Now, we won’t get an E-Verify, we won’t get any border security. But he’ll legalize them,” the Florida senator told Tallahassee radio host Preston Scott.
and there it is folks the real right wing mindset, he like them wants to make it next to impossible for Hispanics who they view as potential progressive voters to be here to vote against them that's like stacking our deck against them, anyone want to venture a guess why? they seemed to have stopped saying the want to electrocute them but they still want the fence, is that in case they ever get in they can amp that billy up and fry any trespassers?