Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Idiot Rush Statement Of The Day – 'If You Believe in God, You Cannot Believe in Global Warming'


Right-wing dittoheads rose in unity after their overlord and master Rush Limbaugh went on the record proclaiming that anyone who believed in God could not believe in man-made climate change:
Article PhotoReally Rush? “If you believe in God, then intellectually you cannot believe in manmade global warming. You must be either agnostic or atheistic to believe that man controls something he cannot create.” His claim rings hollow, sounding like the washed up has-been he is.
Not only did he try to make a statement by Secretary of State John Kerry on global warming a debate about abortion (talk about a stretch) but then he went so far as to proclaim that mankind has no ability to affect the weather in any way shape or form. His intellectual dishonesty is beyond insane. That, or his drug-addled brain has simply forgotten the massive hole in the Ozone Layer over the Antarctic.  We didn’t just affect the atmosphere, we punched a hole in it the size of a continent.
wow great reading of the self appointed reader. we all need to pay close attention to how he tries to explain this away, remember republics always convict themselves in the coverup or the creation of a alibi.
Man-made events that literally threatened the human race with extinction aside, these sorts of comments are par for the course for Rush and his merry band of dittoheads. It is the “you are either with us or against us” mentality which is the hallmark of the modern neo-Conservative movement. And this is why the right-wing is unsustainable. If you have any inkling of science, then you are the heathen, to be burned at the stake. The groupthink mentality requires absolute obedience, any deviation to be met by absolute destruction.
This is the flaw in the neo-conservative movement. It is unsustainable, as it is impossible to reach consensus with the mindset of “All of nothing.” These neo-conservative bums are anti-American, unpatriotic hypocrites, demanding obedience or else “you are against God.” Rush Limbaugh knows the mind of the divine, does he?
One will note that the right-wing lunatics will continually declare that “either you believe this, or else you are not a good Christian.” No wonder we have conservative families willing to risk their lives at sea in a misguided attempt to flee what they believe is the impending state-controlled religious state. These anti-government, right-wing neo-conservatives are nothing but anarchists in a suit, or, in Rush’s case, a too-tight polo shirt. They declare that their viewpoint is the same as God itself.
damn he just took Limbaugh a tray and served him his self apple in mouth and all the trimmings, truer words i've not heard in explaining this entity even the ditto-heads will have to take note of this and question themselves are they like Glen Beck lemmings remember he tols his faithful that "if you take what i say as gospel you're an idiot"