Tuesday, August 13, 2013

GOP Congressman: Obama Will Use "Defund ObamaCare" As "Excuse" To Cut Military, Social Security


Article PhotoLouisiana Republican Rep. Bill Cassidy said Monday that President Obama would use efforts to defund ObamaCare in the upcoming vote to fund the government as an excuse to slash the military and take social security away from seniors.
Cassidy was speaking at a Metairie, Louisiana town hall event Monday organized by his Senate campaign according to a video posted on YouTube and online descriptions of the event from Cassidy’s website.
“Put it this way, it’s gonna be hard, we may not be able to do it, but we need to stop ObamaCare however we can,” Cassidy said. “Now, I’ll tell you, there’s some people who say let’s roll that funding mechanism into the entire government.
I don’t trust the president not to use that as an excuse to do things such as slash the military or to take it out of the hive of people who are receiving social security. This is a very political president.”
this Pres. has done nothing but fight to keep these rights that history shows that republicans want to strip or do away with as recent as 2008 campaign and now with the "we want to get rid of every comma of ObamaCares, they want to kill all the protection agencies so those who bribe them can pollute, you know it's a lie about social security, and they didn't mention MEDICARE for a good reason, VOUCHERS.
now who really do you think is doing to you what the republicans claim Pres. "might do"?
"If the law had that effect, you can't support that," Cassidy continued. "We can not not support our troops. We can not fulfill our obligations to senior citizens who have paid into funds. On the other hand, if we can have a funding bill that doesn't impact those, absolutely. Believe me, I have been working. I think I've voted 40 times to get rid of it. Been working on alternatives, trying to come up with proposals, that don't just oppose ObamaCare, but propose replacements so that the patient is in the power not a Washington D.C. bureaucrat."

 one point just one, who is and has threatened to shut down the government this time if he won't repeal his own law the gift of universal insurance, now how relevant is this statement of elephant dung and btw they have no health care ideal other than your local ER. RECOGNIZE  this azzhile doesn't know how many times he tried to deny you another elephant dung pie dfor dessert, take it or leave it.
republicans refuse to lighten up on sequester too.