Monday, August 26, 2013

32 Countries Get More Federal Money Than Detroit -- Is That Right?

Detroit is an absolute mess. The murder rate is second-highest in the nation, people are leaving the city, and jobs are disappearing. A government bailout to fix the city would cost the federal government $20 billion — a number than many think is not unreasonable, especially considering the amount we’ve dished out to for-profit corporations. 
Article PhotoGeneral Motors and Chrysler, for example, received $80 billion in loans, which is credited to the estimated million jobs that were saved. Instead, the city will receive $108.2 million in federal aid in 2014. In contrast to that, there are 32 foreign nations that will receive more aid, despite the huge problems in Detroit. Doubtless, those people are in desperate need as well, but shouldn’t our government take a nationalist approach to aid by definition?
i've always believed that charity begins at home, you take care of home if anything left over throw it in the bucket, but road is paved with good intentions, just because it has a named charity like foreign aid names it's people and their strife yet the bucks go to the already rich gov't, and the strife lives on, 
we destroy, give money to fix not to mention what we spin while destroying and children a families are malnourished and the republicans want to snip that thread it's called food stamps, they demonized them into being a Black welfare food for nothing thing welfare queens, and yet more Whites get food stamps,
so in all these years putting it on Blacks and Hispanics  it's really another race, they know this so who are they really intentionally hurting?
even the churches evangelical, christian et al are abandoning the poor and needy optng for more power.  
What were you willing to give up for lent? His Eminence, Cardinal Francis George, Archbishop of Chicago, wants it known that he was willing to give up the poor, the sick, the illiterate and millions more besides if that's what it took to show President Obama who was boss in the Catholic bishops' escalating confrontation with the administration over women's access to birth control.
where is the Christianity this is a who's bigger thing and the pawns getting knocked of the board our poor and needy and sick and elderly, but so far the showed Pres. who's who, and nobody fears their God, in fact aside from telling us what god wants or says, i'm waiting for them to have a beer summit with him/her.
greatest country in the world????????????