Fiscal conservatives have done it again, proving how their values of saving money do exactly the opposite – at least for the taxpayers.Utah’s newest war on the poor has mandated a quiz for all welfare recipients. This quiz determines if the person is likely to use drugs. If they are, then they’re required to take a drug test. Even if they test positive, they are not kicked off of the welfare program, but instead are required to enter substance abuse programs.To date, Utah has spent over $30,000 (all taxpayer funded, remember) to quiz and test these welfare recipients. Was it worth it?Only twelve people tested positive of the 400+ required to test…twelve.These twelve will be forced to enter the substance abuse center of their choice, which they will also pay for (though the courses have a sliding scale to base upon income, payment is still required).At what point will Republicans realize that, in cases like these, the end does not justify the means? Wasting $30,000 on only twelve people sounds a lot like another Republican farce, and another way for them to wage the war on the poorest in America.
why is there not some noise about the millions in witch hunts and have you noticed every fraud they accuse and committee to investigate turns out like this and i'm sure that's in question. embellishing the need for a situation of their minds creation, is always more expensive than the just fixing what is really at fault here.
Victor Hugo stated: “Where there is darkness crimes will be committed. The guilty one is not merely he who commits the crime but he who caused the darkness.”
12 is 3% of 400
In theory, it sounds like it’s not an awful idea. Louisiana Senator David Vitter (R) said:“With potentially billions of dollars of welfare funds ending up in the wrong places or being spent on illegal drugs, the least we can do is make sure that money is going where it’s actually supposed to.”Billions of dollars in welfare funds… on twelve people? Sounds a little sensationalized to me. The whole idea of this law is to save people money by not giving welfare to people using it for the wrong things. But when the solution is costing taxpayers more than the original problem, it may be time to try something different.In 2012, Florida had similar results to Utah. Of 4,086 tested, only 100 were positive. This cost taxpayers an extra $45,780 and essentially saved them nothing.
100 is 2.4473813% of 4086
that's like their phony voter fraud findings who's zoomin' who?