Saturday, July 6, 2013

Venezuela says it will shelter Snowden

Article PhotoCARACAS, Venezuela — President Nicolás Maduro said Friday that his country is offering sanctuary to Edward Snowden, the young American intelligence contractor whose flight after disclosing a secret U.S. surveillance program triggered a worldwide manhunt by the Obama administration.
“I announce to the friendly governments of the world that we have decided to use international humanitarian rights to protect Snowden from the persecution that the world’s most powerful empire has unleashed against a young person who has told the truth,” Maduro said in a speech in Caracas.
is this the opportunity to rub the US's face in it's own self importance, old wounds heal slowly Bush and co. and Chavez were not exactly friends.
i remember US refused American's help with oil heat and Chavez ran US commercials about their willingness to help those that their own country wouldn't with heating oil.
what an embarrassment for "the most powerful nation in the world" that couldn't do nothing about being exposed as the Scrooge McDucks of oil and it was theirs not ours, but they want to run oil dirty oil lines through your backyard will you get some for heat?  wish in one hand and crap in the other and see what smells like you've been pooped on.
Maduro did not say how Snowden — marooned in the vast transit zone of Moscow’s Sheremetyevo Airport since landing there from Hong Kong on June 23 — would get to Caracas. But Venezuela has close diplomatic ties to Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, and his government has often shown that it will go to extraordinary lengths to counter U.S. influence.
now another slap in the face by harboring our traitor, and they say Pres. runs around the world apologizing for America, well they need to run around America apologizing for themselves and their war against our war against poverty, riches most powerful country in the world, that title comes with mega responsibilities that republicans are just not going to honor no matter what.