Saturday, July 6, 2013

The GOP Out-Muscles the NFL

i guess taking the country back includes the reign of the mob and the gangsterism of strong arm tactics. 
 i wrote about this earlier we not only have those who somebody elected denying us health care with no plan to replace which means it goes back to those dreaded states, to continue the massive rape and pillaging of your health care, 
but now the billion dollar sports complex that "we the people" support will not allow you to hear the truth about it simply because they the republicans don't want you to have it, they want you where you are on a gurney dying from lack of ins., in the ER, they block jobs your graduate kids can't get and won't let you carry them on your policy till it get's better, 
and it will under the resistance of those who oppose you still got it and a lot more even the jobs they promised in 2010 way back then, have you seen them with the right wing mark to identify?
a much as i love football and our new rising star quarterback Robert Griffin the III i think we should petition the sponsors to pull advertising if we can't see ads that really benefit us as oppose to a Nike freaking sneaker. 
season ticket holders bit more of a sacrifice because of the ticket cost and not showing up could cause blackouts, their pockets will get lighter and we'll see who has the stranglehold the right wing mob or our bucks. 
do we continue to let the republicans deny us everything, when do "we the people" start giving a damn about "we the people", if i might suggest how about any time of day Nov. 4th 2014, can you fit that in?
A couple of weeks ago, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius suggested that the National Football League and other pro leagues might work with the US government to help spread the word that health coverage for the uninsured will expand on October 1st. Before the week was over, Senate Republicans were warning the NFL against taking sides “in such a highly polarized public debate.”
“Given the divisiveness and persistent unpopularity of this bill, it is difficult to understand why an organization like yours would risk damaging its inclusive and apolitical brand by lending its name to its promotion,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and Minority Whip John Cornyn of Texas wrote NFL commissioner Roger Goodell.
In the most amusing part of the letter, the senators encourage the NFL to turn to them if the Obama administration decides to play rough. “Should the administration or its allies suggest that there will be any policy consequence for your decision not to participate in their outreach efforts, we urge you to resist any such pressure and to contact us immediately so that we may conduct appropriate oversight.”
the Mafia would be so proud of them criminals after their own hearts.  Bachmann was right there is a gangster gov't and it's her crew that runs it. recognize  "vote for republicans Obama will give you stuff we will take it away"!