Saturday, July 6, 2013

Oklahoma Toddler Shot In Shoulder While Watching Fireworks Show

Article Photo A young girl was shot in the shoulder while she watched Fourth of July fireworks in Oklmulgee, Oklahoma, KWTV Channel 9 News reported.
 Police believe the shot was fired from a distance. 
“What goes up, must come down,” Stephen Sutton, from Oklahoma City, said according to the Examiner. “A bullet doesn't just disappear when it leaves a gun. It has land somewhere. Until people learn that and stop shooting guns in the air, there will be more accidents like this. People need to practice gun safety, not gun stupidity.”
The toddler was taken to a local hospital.
that was the most shameful asinine excuses to dodge the issue of gun responsibility in awhile. the guy didn't mention the kid at all except as the "nobody knows where it might land", and she was taken to the hospital, how humane. 
red state again favoring the gun over potential life lost by that gun. nothing said except "if you shoot it, it will come down, keep that in mind."
wonder what the statement would have been had it killed her?  something to think about if he was that dismissive of a near miss why wouldn't he double down and blame her for being in the wrong 1 foot patch of land had the i ost worlds unthinkable were to happen to them sounds like another 4th of July with only one accident.