Friday, July 26, 2013

Thanks Obamacare, Rebate Check In July, Health Exchanges In October

Article PhotoYesterday I received a rebate check from my insurance company. This rebate came about because of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) that specifically forces health insurance companies to spend no more than 20% on expenses not attributable to healthcare. 
No longer are they allowed to take your premiums and convert it to profits for shareholders, salaries for executives, and the purchase of politicians.
The Republican Party has been successful in misinforming and lying about Obamacare. This is likely one of the most immoral actions giving that slowing implementation and in the case of many Republican governors not accepting full implementation, is tantamount to the murder of American citizens with the weapon of knowing neglect.
Yesterday morning MSNBC Chuck Todd assessed that the Obama Presidency using the Republican moniker of Obamacare for the Affordable Care Act while cute was stupid. Todd vastly underestimates the success of the Republicans in promoting that name so much so that most Americans immediately identify with the Obamacare as opposed to the Affordable Care Act.
you would think it a no brainer, you have insurance your kid is covered, meds are down with your premium and if you had a disease no problem.
over 30 million more insured you would also think the insurance company would make back triple or better what ever they thought they would lose by adding people instead of gouging those already covered or partially covered.
btw it's not an abomination.
Just before the elections in 2012 I interviewed two intelligent upwardly mobile middle class women in Austin Texas. When asked about the Affordable Care Act they were completely oblivious to it. When told it was Obamacare they immediately knew what I was talking about and said they did not know it by that name. Check out that video here. It is probative.
The Obama administration has done a poor job of promoting the Affordable Care Act. The media has failed to effectively call out the lies on the Republican side thus given these lies plausibility and mental metastases. There is a lot of good news in states where politicians have made the concerted effort to support its citizens.
i agree as brilliant an orator as the Pres. is you would think he would have been more effective at countering republican lies that said, don't we have an individual responsibility to our selves to look out for ourselves? that means finding out the real deal, if you are reading this you have access to the Internet, if you don't like or are told you don't like my first thought is who the freak are they to tell me what is best for me when they suggest an ER is good enough.