Friday, July 26, 2013

Fiscal Armageddon could remake Hill in 2014 elections

Not again.
Article PhotoThat’s the message several national GOP strategists and some lawmakers have for Republicans hell bent on waging another fiscal fight this fall.
The 2014 midterm season is about to heat up – and President Barack Obama and his Democratic allies are eager to tag the GOP as the root cause of Washington dysfunction. The Republicans say they can ill afford another game of high-stakes brinksmanship in the looming negotiations over raising the debt ceiling and funding the government.
“The only way Republicans will lose the House is to shut down the government or default on the debt,” said Oklahoma Rep. Tom Cole, a former National Republican Congressional Committee chairman. “Shutting down the government is not in the best interests of the American people and it makes you look politically irresponsible.
i'm confused their gerrymandering was suppose to so up those districts even though they were voted out by over a million votes which is cheating Americans out of their voter intentions, so if that is a fact what would closing the gov't, or hostaging the debt debate change those votes they have and intend to cheat "we the people" of a fair honest and who we actually voted for election.
Capitol Hill has been immersed in debate over immigration and the farm bill, but that will change once Congress returns from its August recess. There’s an Oct. 1 due date for passing a continuing resolution to keep the government funded, and the nation is expected to hit its borrowing limit sometime between October and the end of the year.
Congressional Republicans are just beginning to put together a debt ceiling and government funding strategy, and there’s growing division within the party over what path to take.
how do you debate party to party when one has a plethora of ideas that none of which are for the best of the country or the people, to compromise you put the people in te jackpot and thaings continue on down the road, but if "we the people wake up and realize it is to our benefit to stop this coup of our country and our rights. indecision is not a option you either are for America or for the republican party the two are not synonymous