Friday, July 26, 2013

right wings absence of racism

this segment of Politics Nation is showing us that the racism the right says is non existent is indeed existing in their daily lives.  please listen especially those who oppose if you choose to disavow then you walk away as you came nothing gained and the world lost.
i'm happy to see we are not allowing the right wing to define us when they have no clue. their impression is born of the machinations within their own heads not based of truth or reality, those things that they claim are the reasons we have not risen above happen in their homes as well.
bottom line they don't know me or any other person of color they know only what their racist past and those that molded it said that to not based in fact.
hell they don't believe in science so how can they make psychological observations when they don't see us for us, just us as their vision falsely portrays, gives new meaning to "believing your lying eyes."
those who continue to deny remember O'Reilly's visit to Sylvia's and his epiphany that lasted till his genes kicked back in.