Friday, July 26, 2013

George Zimmerman’s heroic car crash rescue appears to be a fraud
zimmermanhappyhero 1024x306 George Zimmermans heroic car crash rescue appears to be a fraud
This was a suspicious story from the beginning.
We have seen news reports of protesters doing thousands of dollars of damage to be wrong. The claims of separate attacks by protesters over the Zimmerman verdict turned out to be false. Now added to the list of  false news reports appears to be the story of George Zimmerman heroically rescuing a family of four from a burning SUV.
The initial report was that George Zimmerman was ‘just coincidentally’ driving by after a car accident occurred, that he leaped out of his vehicle to come to the rescue of the family of four trapped inside as the vehicle caught fire, pulling them to safety. That was followed by the claim that the family he rescued had planned a press event to thank George Zimmerman, but that they canceled due to threats from Trayvon Martin supporters.
It appears they may have canceled the event because they did not want to be part of the fraud of making Zimmerman out to be a hero, when that story was not precisely true.
you might remember in my earlier post i said this doesn't smell right. just to convenient when he needed some positive press. i also implicated the same police that freed him the night of the killing, i also said there had to be bystanders it's a toll road which are not generally on back roads so there would have been witnesses.  hate to pat my own back but i was batting a thousand on that one.
What did occur was that an accident occurred where a car slid on it’s side into a median. People at the scene called 911, which went to the Sanford office of the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office. BEFORE responding to the 911 call, News reports that Seminole Sheriff’s Dept. Officer Patrick Rehder, a self-styled friend and supporter of Zimmerman,contacted Zimmerman by cell phone directing him to go to the accident so as to appear to be a hero.      News also provides a social media screen capture of a curious statement about Rehder taking pleasure when someone gets credit for something they did not do.
Rehder’s name appears on the accident report as the responding officer; social media shows his connection to Zimmerman.  There were plenty of people driving by who witnessed the accident, and stopped to help the family out of the vehicle, BEFORE Zimmerman showed up, according to the 911 calls, but no ‘thank you’ press conference mentioning anyone else by name specifically was scheduled by the family, and no mention of anyone other than Zimmerman was made by the sheriff.
Zimmerman showed up AFTER he was called by a SCSO member according to a report at News,  Zimmerman then got out of his car with a fire extinguisher, and apparently left without doing anything especially heroic.