Friday, July 26, 2013

Federal court rules against challenge to ObamaCare contraception mandate

A federal appeals court said Friday that the owners of a private company could not challenge the contraception mandate in President Obama's healthcare law.
The 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals said the owners of Conestoga, a cabinet-making company, could not challenge the mandate because of their personal religious beliefs.
The decision conflicts with another federal appeals court's ruling, which increases the likelihood that the Supreme Court will eventually hear the issue.
they are still actively denying woman contraception rights ladies even the confused ones on the right  these are not your friends they careless about you or your family and those that are leading the attacks are doing so to keep the ins. co.'s in power over you.
the admission of over 30 million more on the books is still not as attractive as bilking us out of the service you think you are paying for, while they have think tanks trying to figure ways around your claims
The birth control requirement applies to companies, not the company's owners, the 3rd Circuit said Friday.
 The Hahn family, which owns Conestoga, sued to block the contraception mandate in ObamaCare, saying it violated their religious beliefs. But the 3rd Circuit said the owners and their company are distinct entities.
"The Mandate does not impose any requirements on the Hahns," the court wrote. "Rather, compliance is placed squarely on Conestoga. If Conestoga fails to comply with the Mandate, the penalties … would be brought against Conestoga, not the Hahns."
President Obama's healthcare law requires most employers to include contraception in their employees' healthcare plans without charging a co-pay or deductible. Houses of worship are exempt, and there is a separate "accommodation" for religious-affiliated employers, such as Catholic hospitals.
you know these employers come off as heartless scrooge mcducks, when i think they should just sit down with their employee's and work out a deal to pay half or more with the employee sharing a little of the cost. this secures the health of workers and stabilizes that workforce as being there and not taking pregnancy leave or letting them go and having to hire someone else that may not be as effective or loyal and you still only save a few dollars compared to that workstation being dark. sense and sensibility.