Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Report: Economy Will Face Shortage of 5 Million Workers in 2020


Article PhotoAs the economy continues to slowly recover and millions of job openings are expected to appear over the next decade, there is a growing call for more educated workers to fill those positions. 
But the current higher education graduation rate is stagnant, and the economy will face a shortage of 5 million workers with the necessary education and training by 2020, according to a study from researchers at Georgetown University.
is this why we are seeing the right wing war against college tuition, they have had this on going effort to shrink the scholastic population, maybe to bring in the corporation workers that will create a monopoly in the new technology and again "we the people" get the scraps thrown out the back door, not saying it's true but you have to agree not far from the republican playbook.
Over the next several years, 55 million jobs will become available, researchers at Georgetown University's Center on Education and the Workforce found in a study. The majority of those jobs will require some sort of education and training after high school, but without major changes to the nation's postsecondary education system – which includes community colleges, four-year institutions and technical and career schools – there will not be enough workers to fill those positions, the report says.
"If we look at how many degrees we are conferring per year and compare that to the job openings, there's a disconnect," says Nicole Smith, a co-author of the report. "We have no reason to believe there will be a huge increase in graduation rates."
Overall employment is expected to increase by about 24 million to 164.6 million in 2020. The other 31 million positions will open up due to baby boomers retiring, the report says
you would think this would behoove the colleges to lower tuition what they lose in inflated tuition they would make up in quantity. if it makes no sense history has proven it to be a right wing ploy, more job loss because of under education has been pitched as a need to fix by Pres. all his tenure, republicans have fought to break down the education system from start to finish, private schools are not the answer for "we the people it's a cash cow for those who own or oversee those orgs.