Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Rush Limbaugh Tells Caller To Stop Watching Fox: 'Designed To Make You Question Your Sanity'

Rush Limbaugh revealed last week that when he went on Fox News, the producers didn’t want him to talk about immigration reform, and he found this “quite telling” about the network. The experience clearly still fresh in his mind, Limbaugh told a caller today to stop watching Fox because it’ll make him too angry and that “they’re designed to make you question your sanity.”
Limbaugh caller Tony said if “a Republican had this miserable, destructive record that Obama has,” there would be marches up and down every street in the country. He also bashed “Alinsky-ite Obama Democrats” pushing solar and wind power at the expense of coal workers. Tony said, “It’s ideology über alles, and they couldn’t give a rat’s backside about the poor.”
Limbaugh agreed with everything Tony said, but when Tony mentioned that he was watching Fox News, Limbaugh interjected to share this piece of advice.
“You need to stop watching these people, because they’re not gonna change, Tony… Your blood pressure’s gonna suffer if you keep watching these people. I mean, they’re designed to get you ticked off. They’re designed to make you question your sanity. You’re gonna watch these people and you’re gonna say, ‘How in the world can we have such idiotic people?’ and you’re gonna think, ‘Maybe they’re not and you’re crazy.’ And I assure you, Tony, you’re not. Trust me on that.”
ain't no love in the heart of the party, no more ring kissing, no more bouncing on a podium, no more invitations to the ball, Rush must feel like he fell in a hole, everybody's looking down on him.
is Fox going to pay per view this one, "the cage match of the century Murdoch vs. Limbaugh.
those who oppose can say what they like, the republicans can continue doing their dirt but one thing is undeniable, Pres. said change, it may not be what you think but it is change none the less.
take a look around the right wing is imploding, it's  members are infighting, they are totally overreaching at everything as well as alienating everybody, again say what you will but this would not have been going on at this time in history if not for the first African American President of the United States of America.
their obsession with this "not suppose to happen" , happening has been the catalyst for nothing but 4 1/2 years of change.  no need to list, but why not. 
  1. Change - Merriam-Webster Online

    a : to make different in some particular : alter <never bothered to change the will>. b : to make radically different : transform <can't change human nature>.