Sunday, July 14, 2013

Questions jurors considered in Zimmerman trial

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SANFORD, Fla. (AP) — The six female jurors who found George Zimmerman not guilty in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin last year reached their verdict on Saturday after two days of deliberations.
During almost three weeks of testimony, they listened to 56 witnesses — 38 for the prosecution and 18 for the defense. A number of items have been the source of conflicting testimony, and jurors will have to sort out those contradictions in the deliberation room.
Zimmerman pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder. He says he fatally shot Martin in a scuffle at the townhome complex where Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch volunteer and where Martin was visiting his father's fiancee. Martin was black and Zimmerman identifies himself as Hispanic. Some civil rights activists argued that the delay in charging Zimmerman was influenced by Martin's race, and protests were held around the nation in the 44 days before Zimmerman was arrested.
Here are five questions jurors weighed during their deliberations.
Convincing jurors about whose voice is screaming for help on 911 calls that captured audio of the fight was the primary goal of prosecutors and defense attorneys. Martin's mother, father and brother testified it's the Miami teen screaming for help on recordings of the 911 calls made by Zimmerman's neighbors. Zimmerman's mother, uncle, father and five friends told jurors it was the neighborhood watch volunteer's voice. One of Zimmerman's neighbors, Jayne Surdyka, says the screams were those of a boy.
Zimmerman was wearing a red jacket, and Martin had on a dark hoodie. Zimmerman's former neighbor Jonathan Good, perhaps the witness with the best view of what happened, says he saw a person in dark clothing straddling someone in red or white clothing and making downward movements with his fists in a mixed-martial arts maneuver known as "ground and pound." 
Neighbors Selma Mora and Surdyka say the person on top got up after the shooting. Zimmerman's attorneys say Zimmerman had been on the bottom but got on top of Martin after he fired his gun.
i find so many inconsistencies in Zimmerman's tale from start to finish, the beginning of his lies started at the beginning of his sighting of a hoodie in the dark and rain profile one, his report to the police  riddled with racist remarks, total dismissing of Trayvon's friend on the phone's testimony which i thought was extremely bigoted, following him after he was told not to that in itself disclosed his agenda, his not knowing the streets where he lived and walked his dog for 4 years.
the "jump out of the bushes" where there were no bushes, then he says after he loses sight he sees Trayvon walking toward him his friend said he was afraid and was trying to get home, so close why would he turn and go back after this menacing figure.
the position of the alleged fight at time of shooting inconsistent with evidence he went for a gun he could not have seen while straddling his body with is knees in his underarm, he would have had to be that guy that stretches on the fantastic 4, because the gun was laid on under to layers of clothing so no likely Trayvon saw it.
i think the screaming started when Zimmerman pulled his gun and hesitated a couple of seconds while Trayvon screamed for help then the shot no more screaming.  FLA. has to me shown itself as a true southern state replete with bigots, racist and those who ignore reality.
Zimmerman told investigators that Martin was on top of him, pounding his head into the pavement. After he fired his gun, he says, he got on top of Martin and spread his arms. However, a photo taken moments later by Zimmerman's neighbor shows Martin's arms under his body. Defense expert Vincent DiMaio testified Martin could have moved his arms in the 10 to 15 seconds he would have been conscious after being shot in the heart.
make no sense and implies he had the gun while being "pounded" and took a couple of shots then fired, as far as the 10 to 15 sec after shooting what was Zimmerman doing looking at his handiwork, then decides to go straddle him 15 seconds later and spread his arms he would have had to mount him immediately.
Mr. Good i am biased he saw whatever in stages fights present different postures in nano seconds unless one has totally dominated which by his own testimony seems unlikely because he claims he scooched away while being "pummeled" and if the gun was not already in his hand Trayon's knees in his pits would prevent him from going behind his back negotiate his clothing and pull it out.
oh forgot the part about Trayvon seeing it and going for it no forensics, like the claim he put his hand over his mouth and pinched his nose, that takes two hands and since he was bloody where was any DNA on Trayvon, they didn't mention saliva let alone blood which we know is not that easy to erase it's presence nothing under Trayvons nails all washed away except the blood on the shooters face and head?
justice was not served in that city it was ignored.