Sunday, July 14, 2013

Protesters of Zimmerman acquittal march in Calif.
don't forget when it happened White supremest patrolled the streets of Sanford
were the cops out there too and who were they protecting?
 SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Protesters angered by the acquittal of George Zimmerman held largely peaceful demonstrations in three California cities, but broke windows and started small street fires Oakland, police said.
The gatherings Saturday night ranged from a few dozen to a couple hundred people turning out to protest the verdict in the Florida courtroom over the death of Trayvon Martin, and police said some of the demonstrations continued into the early hours Sunday.
The Oakland police dispatch office said about 100 people protested, with some in the crowd breaking windows on businesses and starting small fires in the streets. As the protest wound down with the crowd dispersing, the office said that as of 2 a.m. PDT it had no word of any arrests.
Local media reports said some Oakland marchers vandalized a police squad car and police formed a line to block the protesters' path.
The Oakland Tribune said some windows on the newspaper's downtown offices were broken, and footage from a television helicopter show people attempting to start fires in the street and spray painting anti-police graffiti.
as a 60's protester of Dr. Kings murder, i looted and got drunk and got arrested.  i got hung up in mob mentality i had just come home from service in Vietnam moths before had a job and was coming home from work saw looting and participated.
i must admit when i engaged first time it was not about Dr. Kings death, second time i went out drunk for more looting it was still not about Dr. King.  i believe those who were about him were not looters, it was a opportunity knocking i and others took it.
that said i'm glad to see the cities are not burning and tv proliferated with Black looters, that is growth.
Protesters also reportedly burned an American and a California state flag and spray painted Alameda County's Davidson courthouse.
The Oakland demonstration followed a raucous but largely peaceful one in San Francisco. Police say officers escorted demonstrators as they marched on the city's Mission District. The group was dispersed by 10 p.m.
The verdict also sparked protests in Los Angeles, where demonstrators gathered in Leimert Park, the city's historically black neighborhood.
Police said that about 200 protesters gathered for what they termed a peaceful vigil.
these protesters i think the majority were legit, younger ones maybe trying to live up to the past and what we did.  i hope that future protest are as docile because it's not over carry laws. in bars?, stand your ground the right wing has as i have written months ago are setting the stage for an armed mob of crazies to be given the right to kill with impunity.
all and all i think Zimmerman's jury did him no favors, like right wing crazies we have a few too, he has a target on his back not saying he will be killed but just the thought of it will always be over his shoulder where he will be looking the rest of his life.  poetic justice?