Monday, July 8, 2013

Obama loses altitude, needs solid wins six months into second term

loses altitude or was he shot down for doing the peoples work?
be prepared for further dragging of the economy the republicans are surely not going to let this time in Pres. last 4 get by they all but literally have him where they want, and continued resistance by them will kill his legacy and deny you any of the positive things he's done and tried to do if not for them then this would be history and you telling your grandkids about the terrible right wing scourge that threatened America.
Six months into his second term, the momentum that President Obama gained from his reelection win is a fading memory. [WATCH VIDEO]
Few could have foreseen this White House struggling so much after Obama’s convincing 332-206 electoral vote victory over Mitt Romney last November.
“He needs wins and he needs them soon. There’s no way around that,” said one top Democratic strategist who routinely communicates with the White House. “I think just about everyone realizes that.” 
 Obama is headed into a key part of his presidency with immigration reform teetering, another debt-limit showdown looming and the daunting task of implementing his signature healthcare law hanging over him.  
In 2012, Obama predicted that if he won, it would break a GOP “fever,” which was how he characterized Republican efforts to block his agenda. But since his inauguration, Republicans have battled him on many issue
basically he has broken their fever they have no plan except "keep on keepin' on and one day soon", while they continue to alienate everybody and run from the T-Party. 
just the dead and crippled carcasses are still blocking the road to prosperity for "we the people" their road was a private one for rich and the biggest bribee's.  as long as the folks keep voting them in without realizing that they are still in the elephant dung and that vote was the reason why.
Obama’s year to date has been marked by a combination of failures, distractions and uncertainties.
 A push for gun control in the wake of the mass shooting at a Connecticut elementary school last December came to nothing.
Controversies over the IRS and, more recently, National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden absorbed administration energy and time. 
The effort to enact far-reaching immigration reform advanced though the Senate on a 68-32 vote. But the fate of the measure is in serious doubt in the House, where Republicans balk at providing a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants, which Obama demands.  
His supporters argue that GOP recalcitrance is to blame for the lack of legislative progress, beyond healthcare.
i beg to differ with "failure" if one doesn't talk on his own, do you call the one who is more than willing to a failure because the other prevented the conversation.
think about all that would have happened had they not pledged to sink him, but they had to get him at any cost including country and "we the neglected"