Monday, July 8, 2013

Koch Brothers To Pour Millions Into Obamacare Misinformation Campaign

Article PhotoAmericans for Prosperity — a conservative group funded by the Koch brothers — isspending millions on ads that aim to turn Americans against the Affordable Care Act, just as government officials prepare to enroll the uninsured in the law’s new health care exchanges beginning on October 1. 
The campaign will eschew attacks on President Obama in favor of a new non-ideological tone that could appeal “young women” who watch the Food Network, “Law & Order,” and “Good Morning America.”
  take this as a heads up to the deluge of right wing lie- lapalooza ala Koch style. when you start wondering haven't i heard this before, you probably have certainly the same claims maybe with different names, 
none the less it will be running over with false accusations and misinformation of old i'm still laughing at "it's an abomination", obviously they don't know what if means, because if they did they are saying it's horrible and offensive to give you and 30 million plus health care, not so much a humane ideology.  is that what they think of you having health care?
abomination [əˌbɒmɪˈneɪʃən]
1. a person or thing that is disgusting
2. an action that is vicious, vile, etc.
3. intense loathing
The goal is to “start softening the ground” ahead of implementation, Tim Phillips, the group’s president told the New York Times. “Too often we fell into a broad-based ideological argument, and I think we failed to get at ‘Look at what they’re doing and how it impacts you,’ ” he said. “I think where we win is on the impact of a specific policy.”
But if the group’s first TV ad, titled “Questions,” is any indication the new spots are no more honest than the partisan advertisements from 2012. The commercial opens with “Julie,” a mother of two, who tells the camera that she “has some questions about Obamacare,” but is then quick to offer false answers about the effects of reform:
JULIE: If we can’t pick our own doctor, how do I know our family is going to get the care they need? And what am I getting in exchange for higher premiums and a smaller paycheck? Can I really try the folks in Washington with my family’s health care? I think we all deserve some answers.
ok they can't have it both ways first they supply their own alleged answers than in the same breath claim "we need answers", that sounds like an admission of their rhetoric not really answers.
i agree the Pres. and party have done a terrible job of allowing the lies to get out and stay out without equal examples of "what you just heard from republicans are more lies like those 2010 jobs you're still waiting on".