Monday, July 8, 2013

SEIU hits 12 Republicans on immigration

The Service Employees International Union is launching Spanish-language radio ads aimed at pressuring a dozen House Republicans to support immigration reform.
The $200,000 in ads target Republicans who represent a large number of Hispanics, and were announced as the House GOP conference prepares for a Wednesday meeting to discuss the way forward on immigration reform. 
"The debate over immigration reform has reached its deciding moment," the ad begins, before playing clips of Reps. Paul Broun (R-Ga.) and Randy Weber (R-Texas) calling illegal immigrants "criminals" and "takers."
Preibus claims we are going to change the words not the attitude, the rest of the gop says no we are pumping it up and daily one takes it's turn in the whack a mole table and says something totally typical of only them.  
Hispanic voters their desire to see you gone is stronger then their desire to win, that is some kinda hate!
The ad then asks the congressmen to choose the side of "true patriots — business owners, religious leaders and elected officials from both parties" who support immigration reform that includes a pathway to citizenship for the nation's illegal immigrants. 
 The ads target GOP Reps. Jeff Denham (Calif.), David Valadao (Calif.), Gary Miller (Calif.), Buck McKeon (Calif.), Scott Tipton (Colo.), Mike Coffman (Colo.), Daniel Webster (Fla.), Joe Heck (Nev.), Mark Amodei (Nev.), Ted Poe (Texas), Pete Olson (Texas) and Weber.
with a plan like this we need to really be on the look out for voter fraud, in the opposite direction you see republicans pointing in, they found none before because there was none, but if they look in there backyard we can stop all the looney accusations that are investigated by the ones doing it.