Sunday, July 21, 2013

Calls for 'stand your ground' review grow after day of Trayvon rallies

Senator John McCain adds voice to calls for re-examination of self-defence laws as teenager's mother thanks supporters
Article PhotoThe mother of Trayvon Martin has thanked supporters for attending rallies calling for justice over her son's death, as political calls mount for a change in controversial "stand your ground" legislation.
On Sunday, a day after protesters took to the streets of more than 100 US cities to voice their anger over the acquittal of George Zimmerman on charges of second-degree murder, Sybrina Fulton used Twitter to say:
"I would like to personally thank EVERYONE who attended the Trayvon Martin marches and rallies throughout the nation yesterday. United we will continue to stand."
Saturday's demonstrations, which were organised by the veteran civil rights campaigner Reverend Al Sharpton, represented the largest coordinated action to date calling on authorities to act over Martin's death. It came a week after a Florida jury found Zimmerman not guilty. Crowds chanted "Justice, Justice" at a series of rallies and vigils, with events in New York, Miami and Washington among the most well-attended.
yes Rev Al in case all you haters misread.  he is and has been at times the primary leader on civil rights violations asked not inserting himself, and if not for him more people would be denied their day in court.
this is good aside from the few unrest situations overall citiies are not burning.
The issue of race was not discussed during Zimmerman's trial, in which his lawyers claimed that their client acted in self-defence when he opened fire. But since the "not guilty" verdict came down, black leaders and groups – including the nation's oldest and largest civil rights organisation, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People – have called on authorities to open hate-crime proceedings against Zimmerman.
i guess it was given the venue and the actions by defense so far it would have become the reasonthose women would also acquit they do not like or admit any racist thoughts or actions so forprosecution to bring that up would have done nothing but cause defense to play the card getting the jury in that denial mode and made those looking for justice more viral then they were.