Thursday, July 25, 2013

Leaked Report: Scores of Civilians Killed by U.S. Drone Strikes in Pakistan

A leaked Pakistani government report has bolstered claims that civilian casualties from U.S. drone strikes are far higher than the Obama administration has been willing to admit. The Bureau of Investigative Journalism has released figures from the Pakistani government’s own research into casualties from drone attacks in Pakistan’s tribal areas. The Pakistani report investigates 75 CIA drone strikes and five operations by NATO between 2006 and 2009. It finds that the attacks left at least 746 people dead, including at least 147 civilians, 94 of them children — a conservative count given the omission of key data. The high number of civilian casualties directly contradicts statements made by senior Obama administration officials and top lawmakers
notice those figures come from Pakistani research, who would do anything to tarnish our image, doesn't take a Cecil B. DeMille to direct a few hundred people to lay under coverings or get shot. 
hard to confirm their questionable count after all they have an agenda that is to defame us on the world stage.  also notice at the outset they say it was leaked, think if it were real that Zardari would be jumping up and down demanding money.
The high number of civilian casualties directly contradicts statements made by senior Obama administration officials and top lawmakers. During CIA Director John Brennan’s confirmation hearing earlier this year, Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Dianne Feinstein said the number of civilians killed in drone strikes has been very small.
when you chose a cowardly way of fighting hiding behind babies and mothers your plan is that "they would not dare bomb our kids", so you hide in places where there are plenty of civilians except war is war it's on their people to remove those from populated areas, because they can not be just let go because a family of their decent is in front of them. 
sounds cold but which would you rather hear, "family in Pakistan killed while US seeks to terrorist, or your family got blown to pieces by a Pakistani that set off a bomb in the local mall?" recognize