Saturday, July 20, 2013

Al Sharpton plays several sides in Trayvon Martin story

i dedicate this article and seed to all the "i'm stuck in the 1987" with the Twanna Brawley case.
On his MSNBC program on Tuesday, Al Sharpton told viewers about the rallies being planned to protest George Zimmerman’s acquittal on murder and manslaughter charges in the killing of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin. “I’ve said from the beginning we must pursue [this] until the end,” declared Sharpton, adding, “We’ll be in 100 cities on Saturday.”
Sharpton certainly knew whereof he spoke. The “Justice for Trayvon” rallies, after all, are being organized by Sharpton himself through the organization he heads, the National Action Network.
Earlier in the day, Sharpton led a group of ministers to the doors of the Justice Department in Washington to demand that Zimmerman be charged with violating Martin’s civil rights. The story got wide coverage online and on TV.
And so, in just a few hours, Sharpton, 58, played several parts in the Martin story virtually at once: national TV host, Martin-family advocate, rally organizer and promoter, and newsmaker.
keepin' it real the hate surroundin Rev is because he advocates and exposes the radical actions of those who oppose in the name of nonraciaist agenda, and gets results that is their real problem unlike Issa and other republicans he can back up his statements and show it to them most times in their own video story. 
my favorite quote by Rev. "lots of things were acceptable until we stopped accepting them". 
But even in an age of rapidly eroding boundaries between reporters and commentators, Sharpton’s multi­tasking stands out. A veteran champion of issues involving African Americans — from the discredited claims ofTawana Brawley to the vindication of Amadou Diallo — Sharpton helped draw national attention to Martin’s shooting last year by leading a rally in Sanford, Fla., to demand Zimmerman’s arrest. Hehas helped raise money for the Martin family. And he has used his nightly TV show, “Politics­Nation,” as a forum to advocate on their behalf.
but to some they never get pass the bigotry and never hear the truth in what he says and that gives them in their heads the need to and express as relevant Brawley against today's Rev.
before this thing gets hijacked an spun out of existence yes he is because what it is is more legitmate then some networks that create news, his is on video tape and the 11 pm news theirs is only on Fox.