Saturday, July 20, 2013

Now Issa’s on the hot seat

Article PhotoThe tables have turned in the controversy over the IRS’s alleged targeting of conservative groups, as today the investigators will become the investigated when the two people most responsible for advancing the scandal narrative will face scrutiny at a hearing on Capitol Hill.
In the two months since the scandal broke in advance of a report from the Treasury Department’s inspector general for tax administration, new information has deflated the notion of a White House-driven scheme to harass political enemies, giving Democrats reason to doubt the credibility of that initial report — and its author, J. Russell George. 
As Treasury’s top internal cop, George is used to asking people uncomfortable questions, but today it will be he who has to defend not only himself, but by extension the foundation of the controversy.
Since the scandal exploded in Washington, we’ve learned that the IRS flagged for review the application of lots of different kinds of groups, not just conservative ones, and that there’s no evidence the White House was involved in the targeting in any way. 
And last week, Elijah Cummings, the ranking Democrat on Issa’s oversight committee, released even more evidence that seems to undermine the proverbial prosecution’s case, as Michael Tomasky notes.
so when do we garnish Issa's check for all the money he deliberately wasted on a something might stick slime the wall toss.  he has never came home with the Pres. or his admin strapped across the hood, so do we say "it's ok he's republican" or do we want something for our money if not we were just robbed and watched the crime on tv from season 1 eps. 1 to now season 4 eps. 13
do we renew for a season 5 or do we cancel their contract Nov. 4th 2014 with no royalties.
if this guy would just turn around and open his eyes all the fame he seeks is right their turn on the party of stupid and he'll be remembered for turning up real evidence instead of fanatical efforts that reveal no truths.  actually maybe he should just keep on doing what he is then we will never hear his name again except on SNL.