Friday, June 21, 2013

Why The GOP Has Lost The Women's Vote For 2014 and Beyond -

Article PhotoLast week on Morning Joe, former Republican representative Joe Scarborough said with evident frustration that Republicans are “undermined by so many of the shrillest voices in [the] party.” 
He was referring to the blundering comments by Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) about rape and pregnancy during a Judiciary Committee hearing on the unconstitutional 20-week abortion ban that passed the House earlier this week.
Unfortunately for Joe and the vanishing moderate wing of the Republican Party, extremist Republicans like Franks now represent the mainstream views of the Republican Party. 
Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC) openly admitted Tuesday on the House floor that even Franks’s offensive and unconstitutional bill was just the first step toward Republicans’ ultimate goal: banning all abortions in America.
Franks and many other elected Republicans like him actually believe, with conviction, that women’s bodies can magically prevent pregnancy from a rape and that women should not be able to make their own health decisions. 
No spin or talking points will fix this madness. The dominant Republican worldview is tone-deaf and extreme in its arrogant, condescending, and patriarchal posture toward women. As the Republican Party strives to undermine women's reproductive rights here in D.C. and with nearly 700 bills in state legislatures across the country, they are setting the stage for the women’s vote to yet again be a decisive voting block in 2014 and 2016 for the Democrats.
i feel it's premature to say those women that turned on their gender and the new ones coming in will vote for the party of White men and a few token wannabe's, no matter how restrictive their war on women becomes, not much left to take except dignity, and that is a foregone conclusion no matter what they will stand on that stage behind some neanderthal and smile and clap on cue, and campaign with praise that guy that just took them like a madoff scheme.
I oversaw President Obama’s women’s vote program in 2012. I remember very clearly the impact the Republican Party’s extreme positions on social issues like abortion and outrageous comments about rape, not to mention daily debates about vaginal probes, had on their candidate.
Exit polls on Election Day showed an 18-point gender gap. Fundamentally, women voters care about bread-and-butter issues, but choice is a litmus test issue for many voters. Taking hostile and outdated positions automatically disqualifies a candidate before many women voters will even consider that candidate’s economic and other policies.
If Republicans cared about women, they would champion pay equity. While the Equal Pay Act has leveled the playing field considerably, women still make only 77 cents to every man’s dollar.
it's not in their nature to do something different it does not register as a plan b thing just put your head down and forge straight ahead, 37 repeal attempts?
and Obama still cares.