Friday, June 21, 2013

Spank Me For Jesus: Christian Movement Says Husbands NEED To Keep Their Wives In Line -

Article PhotoRemember when you were a kid and if you did something wrong – and sometimes when you didn’t – your mom or dad would bend you over their knee and whack you across the ass? In the more implement-oriented households items like belts, hairbrushes, sticks, or nearby magazines rolled into weapons would be used to mete out corporal punishment; all in the name of discipline and punishment… to make you, the errant child, a better person. 
I always hated the attendant pain and humiliation and came to realize – oft-times at the end of my father’s belt, that physically hurting a child in the name of discipline and punishment was… oxymoronic. Attempting to teach a child to be a civil, well-mannered, rule-abiding member of society by inflicting physical pain was utterly counter-productive. Wrong message.
and here they go again. i was beaten as a child mercilessly sometimes by a loser step man, i don't like the corporal punishment thing, i did it once or twice with my kids i was more of an intimidation guy, it works especially when you were 6'4" and 250 pounds.
i realized later my mother got it from her parents large family of 11 siblings, she did what she was taught, by rights i should be a serial killer behind being brought up around such personal violence, but God Blessed me and i was not the textbook by product of such a environment.
That's one topic of conversation and a good one; I've written about it before and, boy, if you want to rile up the masses, tell parents you're against corporal punishment and you've got an honorable, ethical grown child to prove it can be done. But that's not actually today's story; it's the intro to today's story. Today's story is about corporal punishment, but a very unique kind of corporal punishment: spanking… for Jesus.
Yes, you read that right. Because there isn't enough bat@!$%# crazy things going on out there in the wide, wacky world of religion, a new source of crazy has come to light. It even has a name: Christian Domestic Discipline (CDD). There are, at this point, two main websites related to this "discipline":
an observance of mine was the intensity and determination exhibited by the beater tends to represent the baggage they cary, if it were not why would you go mike tyson on a kid?  mostly the kid did nothing to warrant that level of abuse, yes i'm speaking from experience, maybe i'll share that i don't know.  
but i thank God i'm not bitter and feel the need to take it out on anyone else. This one is identified on the site as follows:
A Domestic Discipline (DD) marriage is one in which one partner is given authority over the other, and has the means to back up that authority, usually by spanking. The application and practise of DD in each marriage is as unique as the individuals who make up that marriage. There is no "One Ring of Power" in the Domestic Discipline world, to which all DD couples must bow; no singular path to "true DD enlightenment." What works well for one DD couple may not be a good fit for another marriage. Therefore, you may see many different suggestions espoused on this site and elsewhere.
A Christian Domestic Discipline (CDD) marriage is simply a traditional, male-led, Christian marriage which utilises aspects of Domestic Discipline. It is set up according to Biblical standards.
sorry forgot to post this got a little hung upon me.  but this article IMO is born of the kind of people who think rape, battery and they know your body better than you group.  
think what party feels your women needs to be literally tuned up because she wants and needs it and have the audacity of arrogance to bring Jesus in as a wing man?  please read the rest of the article