Friday, June 21, 2013

Ann Coulter waits for 'Rubio-free' Senate
you can tell when republican crap start smelling, when the far right talking heads take a break from Obama bashing, Benghazi, IRS,Syria, Russia and whatever i forgot to beat up on their own.
Conservative firebrand Ann Coulter is warning Republicans not to vote for immigration reform, saying the House shouldn’t touch the issue until there is a Republican-controlled, “Rubio-free” Senate.
“The patriotic House member’s position has got to be until the Senate is in Republican hands, preferably Rubio-free, sorry, we’re not even going to pass a bill that mentions immigration” Coulter said Thursday on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News, referring to Gang of Eight member Republican Sen. Marco Rubio.
The comments come after Coulter called Rubio the “Jack Kevorkian of the Republican Party” on Hannity’s program last week.
the repetitive attacks show not only lack of vocabulary, but the insanity of repetition.
Coulter also had strong words for Republican leadership in the House, especially the word "idiot."
"John Boehner secretly wants to pass amnesty because his idiot consultants are telling him, 'Oh, it's going to be a great boon for Republicans, having 30 million voters who will never vote for a Republican,'" Coulter said,
the tanning poster boy is really in a hellish place right here on earth, he needs to grow a pair quit and pursue something less splintered than his party plank, being a yes man only gets you so far before you start to hate yourself and then the beginning of the end starts and you feel the need tom let everyone know it wasn't your idea, and you take your place on the wall mas whistle blower # 10001.
both Rubio and Cruz will flame out they are starting to piss off too many staples in the right wing wall of....... you fill in that one.