Saturday, June 15, 2013

Senators skip classified briefing on NSA snooping to catch flights home

now you know why they were so quick to relax sequester with the airports, not for you but for them to get away from you.
A recent briefing by senior intelligence officials on surveillance programs failed to attract even half of the Senate, showing the lack of enthusiasm in Congress for learning about classified security programs. [WATCH VIDEO]

Many senators elected to leave Washington early Thursday afternoon instead of attending a briefing with James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence, Keith Alexander, the head of the National Security Agency (NSA), and other officials. 
it's no wonder they are fishing in the wong creek, they first don't read the bills because they are more than two pages long, now they don't attend meeting where they could have asked the irrelevant question they are now at our expense,

but being half cocked and clueless with no evidence they proceed to carry out one of the biggest frauds on the people, he wasn't there as his job dictated so now he's on a hunt fr something he can make a story around.
this is not Jeopardy, you don't get to give an answer then compete for the answer.

The Senate held its last vote of the week a little after noon on Thursday, and many lawmakers were eager to take advantage of the short day and head back to their home states for Father’s Day weekend. 
it's nice how they get to play tiddlywinks all week half do their job and punch the clock early Thursday?    
Only 47 of 100 senators attended the 2:30 briefing, leaving dozens of chairs in the secure meeting room empty as Clapper, Alexander and other senior officials told lawmakers about classified programs to monitor millions of telephone calls and broad swaths of Internet activity. The room on the lower level of the Capitol Visitor Center is large enough to fit the entire Senate membership, according to a Senate aide.
less then half were present and Issa is prodding for evidence that was readly available and they choose to take a long weekend, all you out there that get a long weekend for a Sunday non federal non holiday raise your "VOICE" goose gander syndrome they take a 3 day on the stressful witch hunt, while you either don't have a job our 3 day weekend all thanks to the republican party.