Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Plot to Bomb NYSE Foiled by Surveillance Program: FBI


The National Security Agency surveillance programs made public this month have helped foil more than 50 terrorist plots since Sept. 11, including one to blow up theNew York Stock Exchange, top intelligence officials told Congress on Tuesday.
Article PhotoThe officials appeared before the House Intelligence Committee and answered mostly friendly questions to defend the programs, which collect phone records inside the United States and monitor Internet communications overseas.
"I would much rather be here today debating this point than trying to explain how we failed to prevent another 9/11," said Gen. Keith Alexander, the NSA director.
At least 10 of the foiled plots were "homeland-based threats," he said.
all this forcing of secret ops by the republican trying to find the hair in the coke can is just informing enemies of current efforts and causing a new game book when if they were not hunting broom riders never would have come out.
Alexander said he would provide details of all the foiled plots to the committee in secret Wednesday. Attempting to make a case that the surveillance programs are critical to protect Americans, however, the officials described several in public Tuesday.
In the stock exchange plot, the NSA used Internet surveillance to find an extremist in Yemen who was in contact with an operative in the United States, said Sean Joyce, deputy director of the FBI.
He said that intelligence agents were able to detect "nascent plotting" to bomb the exchange.
and still republicans like the anal retentives they are can only seek the infamous "OBAMA CONNECTION". demand to know how much they are and have spent to no end.