Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Is Rand Paul going mainstream, or vice versa?

Article Photothis kinda sums up the mindset of the right wing party in a nutshell, and shows they have no direction and are willing to follow regardless to their disingenuous motives anything that will attract the most gullible.
only change that would help them is honesty and that would take longer than their path to citizenship.
Rand Paul seems to be crossing over to the mainstream — or maybe, it’s the other way around.
When Kentucky’s junior senator arrived in Washington just over two years ago, he seemed destined to inhabit the role of perpetual outlier. But now, he’s in the mix on just about everything that is happening, and talked about as a credible Republican presidential contender in 2016
Paul is also aggressively trying to forge at least a cordial relationship with GOP establishment interests that have been suspicious of him or even outright hostile in the past.
“He is a work in progress,” said one well-known Republican who recently met with Paul, and did not want to be identified, because public disclosure of that fact would not be of benefit to either of them.
desperation can make you seek out those who you don't want it to be known you were in the same room together, that calls into question the both characters.
Paul to me will always represent this;
There is fresh attention to privacy, amid revelations about the government’s aggressive surveillance programs; renewed mistrust of the Internal Revenue Service, in the wake of its admissions of improperly targeting conservative groups for scrutiny; and heightened anxiety about foreign entanglement, as the prospect of deeper military involvement in Syria looms.
he as the rest are not doing anything themselves they are trying to get favor amid the recent events which they have somewhat successfully turned into a scandal a day, problem is Issa the grand inquisitor, and the party can't find anything to hang their embellished fantasies on, after spending 55 million on Obamacare, and countless other millions on the recent snipe hunts.