Thursday, June 13, 2013

Marco Rubio Veers Right On Gay Issues

After previously taking care to avoid personal positions on several LBGT issues, the Florida senator got personal on same-sex couples’ immigration rights and “special protections” in the workplace.
WASHINGTON — In a departure from his recent attempts to present a moderate face of the Republican Party on LGBT issues, Sen. Marco Rubio Thursday took aim at same-sex couples’ protections in immigration reform and attempts to pass workplace protections for LGBT people.
Article PhotoOn immigration reform, where Sen. Patrick Leahy has filed an amendment that would give same-sex married couples the same immigration rights as opposite-sex married couples, Rubio put his opposition in more personal terms than he previously has expressed.
is this the real Rubio the one that lied about his family history, the one who was suppose to deliver Hispanic voters to his party on a silver platter, the one who was working tirelessly till immigration was no more.  courtesy of Bachmann
this guy has done a 720 degree double turn with a few flips and flops and a pirouette from the Hispanics best thing since indoor toilets, to a "REPUBLICAN".
“If this bill has in it something that gives gay couples immigration rights and so forth, it kills the bill. I’m done,” Rubio was quoted by Yahoo News Thursday as saying during an interview on the Andrea Tantaros Show. “I’m off it, and I’ve said that repeatedly. I don’t think that’s going to happen and it shouldn’t happen. This is already a difficult enough issue as it is.”
Then, Think Progress reported Rubio’s likely opposition to the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, a bill that would bar most employers from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.
Asked if he would be supporting the bill, Rubio said, “I haven’t read the legislation. By and large I think all Americans should be protected but I’m not for any special protections based on orientation.”
isn't it amazing how they hoop and holler but when questions they all come back with "well i haven't read the bill yet", if so how can you have so many legitimate opinions where you feel yoyu can criticize,demonize that which by their own admission they have not read it, how deceitful is that, i'm going to tell you ohhhh no, but i don't know what i'm saying it to.
some will pick it up and run with it in all their blissful glory.  Rubio is a HINO.