Friday, June 21, 2013

After Hecklers Shout Down Father Of Shooting Victim, Republican Senator Calls For Civility
Four days after supporters of Republican Sen. Kelly Ayotte interrupted and heckled an anti-gun demonstrator whose daughter was killed in a shooting, her office is trying to lower the temperature of an increasingly nasty debate over gun control.
“While Senator Ayotte wasn’t there, she hopes that everyone would be civil at all events no matter what their viewpoint is,” said Ayotte spokesman Jeff Grappone in a statement to BuzzFeed.
A YouTube video from the event that spread this week shows one gun rights protester man perch himself directly next to the father and repeatedly interrupt him. People in the crowd also began changing “Ayotte! Ayotte!” while he attempted to speak.
i can think of a lot of things that father could have done or maybe should have, but to deliberately position your self to disrespect the dead and the grieving, just to be heard and seen no matter what your problem is you took the floor and did a right wing over talk.
The incident took place at a demonstration in Concord, New Hampshire Tuesday organized by Michael Bloomberg’s gun control advocacy group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns. Anti-gun demonstrators got into some trouble themselves by reading from a list of gun violence victims who have been killed since Newtown that ended up including Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev, alleged cop killer Christopher Dorner, and other murder suspects. (The Bloomberg group apologized, and said those names should have been removed from the list.)
they are arguing for the right to kill another American if they want to, carrying a gun is an anticipation of killing, and that is tantamount to 1st degree murder with an open name on the license