Friday, May 24, 2013

Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members

Article PhotoThe Boy Scouts of America's national council is voting in Grapevine, Texas, on a proposal to allow gay youths to be members, potentially ending a policy that has been publicly debated for years.
The council's 1,400 delegates began voting before noon Thursday and the results are expected to be announced around 6 p.m. EDT., The Dallas Morning News reports.
The ban is often ignored and difficult to enforce, but has resulted in decades of controversy for the national organization that currently boasts 2,658,794 scouts and 1,039,825 adult leaders. Gay scouts and former scouts publicly campaigned for the change.
the organization is  a bigoted org. IMO based on fear, they deny i think more so to prevent those inclined or easily persuaded from engaging more so then other 10 12 year olds trying to induct others in to the Gay world, yes it's as stupid as that sounded.
that creed they have held up so many years has taught those coming up to hate and discriminate, the another human being is not better than them because of their "AFLICTION OF CHOICE".
Michael Abrahamson, president of the Connecticut Yankee Council, which claims 17,000 scouts and 4,600 adult volunteers, said his group ignores the ban.
"Scouting in the Connecticut Yankee Council is open to all youth and adults who subscribe to the values of the Scout Oath and Law regardless of their personal sexual orientation," Abrahamson said in a Wednesday statement posted on the council's website. "Prejudice, intolerance and unlawful discrimination of any form are unacceptable within our membership."
Churches mostly sponsor these did mine when i was in, my mother was the den mother, oh the horror.  churches then and today still push that bigotry depending on their congregation older folks can be expected to toot the horn of outrage, younger ones more tolerant and less likely to discriminate.
do you think Jesus having not discriminated against anyone including lepers would do so to those who are homosexual, or would he embrace and respect them as human beings.  the Bible was written by those who practiced a very questionable life themselves the writings were told to them by the Disciples of Jesus all human and all using their interpretations, as the people today do.