Friday, May 24, 2013

Can U.S. Tolerate Collapsing Infrastructure As ANOTHER Highway Bridge Falls Into River?

Article PhotoAn Interstate Highway 5 bridge collapsed into the Skagit River Thursday night, sending cars and people into the water from all four lanes. The bridge is located halfway between Seattle and the Canadian border. Rescue teams in boats began pulling people from the water and sending them to local hospitals. Two were sent to Skagit Valley Hospital in Mount Vernon, WA, while a third was reportedly sent to a different hospital.
The water was shallow, which seems to have averted any fatalities. In news footage, the water level seemed to reach only to the hood of the cars. As the rescue operation was underway, a nearby resident, Xavier Grospe, said no one appeared to be in immediate danger. He could see three partially submerged vehicles, each with one person sitting either on top of it or in an open window.
my first question did Beohner ever fix that bridge in his state Pres. brought to our attention?
Like the rest of the country, Washington has an infrastructure problem. According to the Washington Post, the American Society of Civil Engineers’ 2013 infrastructure report card gave the state’s bridges a C- and noted that more than a quarter of Washington’s 7,840 bridges are considered either structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. That’s over 1400 bridges.
The I-5 bridge was built almost 60 years ago and is considered functionally obsolete, meaning its design is outdated and it might have issues such as narrow shoulders or inadequate clearance. The head of the state House transportation committee, Democratic Rep. Judy Clibborn, acknowledged that the bridge hasn’t been on lawmakers’ radar screen,saying:
in case you forgot Pres.'s jobs act included this kind of jobs fixing infrastructure, and after 4 1/2 years congress still refuses to keep you safe in  their own states, but they are reaching out and including you in their dastardly plan to kill Americans by collapsing rotted out bridges and roads, 4 1/2 years get rid of Pres. and advance nothing that would benefit "YOU" for fear it would make him look good and get your vote, well no jobs and death traps throughout the states in the thousands pretty much assures they won't and shouldn't get your vote or a glance in that direction, run away like they do, it works.