Friday, May 24, 2013

Lawmakers push new bill to crack down on military sexual assault

The sponsor of a new bill to combat sexual assault in the military pledged Thursday that her legislation would ensure that “never again will a victim have to salute an assaulter."
that puts the t's and i's dotted and crossed, no one should be subject to their abuser because of station
Article PhotoThe effort, led by Sen. Claire McCaskill, a Missouri Democrat, would require a dismissal or a dishonorable discharge for a member of the military found guilty of rape or sexual assault.
The new legislation – the second bill aimed at addressing sexual assault in the military this month – comes just the day after the Army disclosed that the commander of Fort Jackson, S.C., is being investigated for charges including adultery and a physical altercation.
While the bill would also both prohibit commanders from nullifying or changing a sexual assault conviction, it would not require a charge of sexual assault to be handled outside the chain of command, a provision included in a competing measure sponsored by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y.
this is a landmark defensive move against right wing war on women in every phase of their lives, shameless treatment is slowly dissolving 2014 will move the piece further down the board pass go and collect your freedom from republican tyranny.
Proponents of McCaskill’s measure fear that Gillibrand’s legislation may face too much opposition from the Pentagon to pass through Congress.
"The important thing is to try to get as many of us to agree so we don't end up with a party line vote,"  McCaskill said.  "I am tired of trying to legislate around the gridlock in Congress."
Sen. Susan Collins, a Maine Republican who is a cosponsor of both bills, said that action is necessary to help protect women in the armed services.
Ladies and gentelmen this is a time for the village to join together we are all part of the village of America and remember "YES WE CAN".