Friday, April 12, 2013

McCain: Kim Jong Un is 'a clown'

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) dismissed North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as a "clown" and a "fool" as tensions on the Korean peninsula continue to rise ahead of an expected missile test.
"This guy is a clown. He’s a fool, so was his father and so was his grandfather," McCain told Fox News on Thursday.
The Arizona lawmaker said the North Korean military is equipped with nuclear weapons and shielded missile sites that pose a danger to the United States.
 “There’s a city of Seoul with millions of people," McCain said. "This is very dangerous business. Now logically, would he ever contemplate such a thing? I think it’s pretty clear this guy and his father and grandfather didn’t think like us.”
 McCain said that he believed the Pentagon should attempt to shoot down any test missile fired by Pyongyang as a show of American military strength.
this is the republican interference in foreign affairs i referred to yesterday, the right jumps the gun and gets inserted in to the very things the approved Kerry to do. and like Romney over there he does nothing but insult.
remember Bush would always mispronounce Saddam's name calling hi SAD EM. that does not help it hurts, they are not trying to further talks or resolution they are trying to be cute.  and i think trying to do Pres.'s job in an arrempt to make him look incapable of carrying out his duties, except we don't call him the do nothing PRES., but we do call them the do nothing congress
"I would take it out," McCain said. "We show young Kim Jong Un that we can take out his capabilities. We can show that to him."
for a war veteran this guy sure wants to go back, remember "bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran,  Bush saying he wasn't going to sit down  with Ahmadenajad, "i'm not going to reward him with a seat at the table", republican arrogance stops progress home and away, if they had been elected we would probably be engaged in two more wars, and blame Pres. for the cost.