Wednesday, March 13, 2013

White House: Fear The Ryan Budget
Article PhotoWASHINGTON — The White House wants you to be very, very afraid of the newest version of Paul Ryan's Republican budget proposal. But administration officials also scratched their heads Tuesday at Ryan's latest budget plan, wondering why after Ryan was defeated at the polls along with Mitt Romney Republicans are sidling up to him again.
At the White House press briefing Press Secretary Jay Carney said President Obama "certainly believes that Congressman Ryan is sincere in what he believes his budget represents in terms of policy priorities, and he commends Congressman Ryan for the effort, but there is no question that the Ryan budget, again, represents a series of policy choices that this President profoundly disagrees with."

a revamp word change does not create a new budget plan why did he not open the pamphlet so we could see the print. 
i remember a few years ago another republican i think Beohner held up a bunch of blank papers say "here's our budget" while trying to slam Pres. abot his budget they said had not been done for x amount of days.  you can't just change the cover and claim brand spankin' new!
In an interview with ABC News Tuesday, President Obama showed a bit of the behind-the-scenes criticism of Ryan's plan when asked if he will propose a balanced budget when his proposal comes out next month.
"We're not gonna balance the budget in ten years because if you look at what Paul Ryan does to balance the budget, it means that you have to voucher-ize Medicare, you have to slash deeply into programs like Medicaid, you've essentially got to — either tax — middle class families a lot higher than you currently are, or you can't lower rates the way he's promised," Obama told ABC. "So it's really, you know, it's a reprise of the same legislation that he's put before."
right wing slight of hand is light on plan