Wednesday, March 13, 2013

CPAC muddle mirrors GOP mess
Article PhotoIt’s not hard to make fun of CPAC. From the presence of Donald Trump to a meaningless straw poll to a cavalcade of fringe-dwelling book merchants, the event has become more carnival than conservative salon.
What is more notable about this year’s rendition of the annual confab, which begins outside Washington on Thursday, is not the easy caricature but how thoroughly the Conservative Political Action Conference reflects the state of the Republican Party four months after yet another humbling presidential defeat. It is a muddle, but a muddle with meaning.
Establishment Republicans are angry that popular GOP governors Chris Christie and Bob McDonnell are being snubbed, but conservatives, seeing Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush invited, are moaning that a traditional movement event has been annexed by the country club crowd.
Future Republican bright lights will be in attendance, but so will yesterday’s news, most of it with headlines no one wants to read.
all is not well in mudville, i guess they realize their attacks and misleading us about this admin no longer has a punch so with all the different approachs to bring down the country and the Pres. and the landslide lost 2012 they do what all unscruoulous people do they turn on themselves.
A Republican gay group isn’t welcome yet neither are hard-liners on immigration.
And another member of the Paul family is poised, to the frustration of organizers, to again win the presidential straw poll.
For decades, perhaps even for a century now, Republicans have grappled with their moderate-conservative divide. But as the CPAC jumble illustrates, the confusion surrounding the party is now more complex than the enduring center vs. right paradigm.
how can you change when your guts are no longer working together in human beings that usually results in expiration, we can only hope or we can vote 2014 and ignore the skulduggery that is gerrymandering and take it to the polls.  they will attempt to deluge us with attacks on anything or body that opposes their re-election.
would have said plan but they don't have one just more name calling and misinformation and if you listen closely you'll hear an echo from last year, nothing you did not hear last year, encore performance?   put the change of no change out in your big CPAC collusion for the world to see you were just BS'n your way out of shame face 2012.